AI Stories

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Grok AI - An advanced AI Chatbot
AI Stories

Grok AI – An advanced AI Chatbot

Grok AI is an advanced AI chatbot that leverages natural language processing to interact with users in a human-like manner. Developed by Grok, it is designed to assist with a variety of tasks and provide information across different domains. Initial release date: November 2023 Available in: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Europe, […]

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Meta advances open source AI with ‘frontier-level’ Llama 3.1
AI Stories

Meta advances open source AI with ‘frontier-level’ Llama 3.1

In the early days of high-performance computing, the major tech companies of the day each invested heavily in developing their closed-source versions of Unix. It was hard to imagine at the time that any other approach could develop such advanced software. Eventually, though, open-source Linux gained popularity – initially because it allowed developers to modify

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